
Beckett 2024 Thematic Week at KJU

Kodolányi University held its 2024 Spring term thematic week between 8 to 11 April. The university hosted many speakers both local Hungarian as well as foreign scholars from far and wide. The Department of English Studies offered numerous events. On 11 April at 4 PM a Samuel Beckett life and achievement exhibition was opened which was followed by a round table discussion on the Beckettian oeuvre.

From left : Harasztos, Tamás, Takács, Alqvist

The event was jointly hosted and organized by the Embassy of Ireland and the Department of English. The event was officially opened by H.E. Ragnar Alqvist, Irish Ambassador to Ireland, which was followed by a short screening of the first scenes from Beckett’s play “Endgame”. The round table discussion on the Beckettian oeuvre was moderated by two colleagues from the Department of English: Dr. Ágnes Harasztos and Dr. Péter Tamás.

H.E. Ragnar Alqvist, Irish Ambassador to Ireland

The event featured another prominent guest: Dr. Ferenc Takács, retired professor from Eötvös Loránd University, an active participant of the discussion along with H. E: Ragnar Alqvist.

Dr. habil. Krisztina Kodó PhD Professor, Head of Department of English Studies

The event offered an interesting insight into the world of Beckett, Irish humour, the theatre of the absurd and the Hungarian reception of Beckett in Hungary. The event went off very well and the exhibition will remain onsite at the KU Budapest campus Prielle Kornélia street 47-49 for another week until 19 April.
