The band begins its series called “Kelta Advent.” Further information can be found on the posters. Also check out the television report:
Greenfields – Upcoming new event
Minden hónap első hétfőjén,most december 6-án este 7-től ír táncház a TEMI Fővárosi Művelődési Házban ( Fehérvári u. 47. ) a Greenfields együttessel, és Somfai Péter ír táncossal.Korhatár nélküli táncház , kezdőknek, haladóknak egyaránt javasolt. Dec.29- én 21.00-kor ír táncház fellép a Balkán Hangja c.rendezvényen a Fővárosi Művelődési Házban.
Mámoros Utazás
The Blog is happy to introduce Pálvölgyi Ádám and his band the M.É.Z. Not a long time ago, they held a unique show called Mámoros utazás avagy válogatás kelta eredetű népek költeményeiből zenével. A közel nyolcvan perces műsorhoz a verseket, prózai részeket Kautzky Armand színművész a zenei részeket a M.É.Z. együttes adja elő. A műsorban …
Unpacking My Bottom Drawer by Mary Murphy
Ms Mary Murphy personal blog writer honored us to write a quite unique and valuable article about our blog. 🙂 Feel free to check out her blog site with all the fruitful and wonderful content. Link to her blog where you can find The Fifth Province article under “recent” posts: Also, you can find the …
To Be Irish at Christmas 2021
To Be Irish at Christmas, launched in 2020 by the Department of Foreign Affairs to create meaningful connections with the Irish diaspora and those who have a grá or are interested in Ireland and Irish culture around the world. Last year, with the invaluable input from Local Authorities, venues, organisations and shops across Ireland and …
Ireland in a Changing Europe
On 17 November 2021 Ronan Gargan, Ambassador of Ireland to Hungary will visit the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen. You are all cordially invited to his public lecture “Ireland in a Changing Europe” (time: 12.00-13.00, venue: Main Library, “A Sziget”) and his opening of the exhibition on the Nobel prize laureate …
VERZIO Film Festival – Fours Seasons in a Day (2021)
Dear site followers! There is a film festival at the moment called Verzio and they are screening a film on the effect of Brexit. IMDb details about the film: Four Seasons in One Day is on in the Toldi Cinema this Friday and this Sunday. They are screening it in English with Hungarian subtitles: …
Embers (A gyertyák csonkig égnek) by Sándor Márai: a translation into Irish
Further details and registration can be found on the link:
CEU Online Lecture: What Is the Future of Northern Ireland After Brexit
The CEU Democracy Institute, in partnership with the Embassy of Ireland to Hungary, cordially invites you to the lecture: WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF NORTHERN IRELAND AFTER BREXIT (AND WHY SHOULD EUROPE CARE)? DATE: Thursday / November 11, 2021 TIME: 18:00-19:30 CET LOCATION: online DETAILS: Deadline for registration: November 9, 2021 REGISTRATION HERE: