THE SZÉCHENYI ACADEMY OF LETTERS AND ARTS cordially invites you to join the 10th SEAMUS HEANEY MEMORIAL LECTURE “BARBAROUS CLANGOURS”? SEAMUS HEANEY, W.B.YEATS AND MEDITATING IN TIME OF CIVIL WAR” by ROY FOSTER Roy Foster is the Professor of Irish History at the University of Oxford and the Honorary Fellow of Trinity College Dublin Date: …
Fionnuala Moynihan Piano Recital on 22th September 2023
Date: 7 pm, Friday, 22nd September Venue: Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall, at the corner of Andrassy avenue and 35 Vörösmarty street Fionnuala Moynihan Piano Recital | All programs | Zeneakadémia ( The event is free, please register at this link: Fionnuala Moynihan Piano Recital Tickets, Fri 22 Sep 2023 at 19:00 | Eventbrite