Irish Cultural Event 18 April 2023

The event was organized by The Fifth Province blog, the Embassy of Ireland in Budapest and the Foundation for Inter-Culture Multicultural and Intercultural Connections. The event was hosted by Kodolányi János University, Budapest. The event was officially opened by H.E. Ronan Gargan, Ambassador to Ireland in Hungary and was followed by two very interesting and …

Emerald Film Club podcast – 18th October 2022

We are pleased to share this podcast which was recorded at the first Emerald Film Club event in October at KJU. We would like to thank His Excellency Ronan Gargan, the Ambassador of Ireland to Hungary for his support. The podcast features the opening speech of His Excellency Ronan Gargan, a presentation on The Banshee …

Kevin Higgins – Mindig azt hittem, élek

Mindig azt hittem, élek annyit, hogy megtanuljak úszni, és olimpiai szinten pillangózzak háton, és megérem, hogy a leszivárgó gazdaság kiprésel legalább egyetlen, mégoly szennyezett cseppet. Mindig azt hittem, élek annyit, hogy megtanuljak vezetni, és legalább egy Forma-1 futamot megnyerjek, és megérem, hogy a Demokraták döntenek az ingyenes, egyetemes egészségügyi ellátásról. Mindig azt hittem, élek annyit, …

Cultural Programmes for January and February by the Embassy of Ireland in Budapest

The Young Plato   Facebook event link: With the support of the Embassy the Budapest International  Documentary Film festival will screen the documentary film titled The Young Plato in the Cinemacity Mamuth for 3 days in January. You can meet the Irish directors Declan McGrath and Neasa Ní Chianáin after the screening in the cinema. If you …