Kodolányi University hosted the Celtic band BRAN on 22 November. The event contained lots of music and storytelling that focused on the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. Thank you for another fantastic event!
Loreena McKennitt returns with a new album
The Canadian Celtic singer, Loreena McKennitt releases a new album in 2024. ‘The Road Back Home’ returns to the songstress’ musical roots. It was recorded in the summer of 2023 when she performed at four folk festivals in Ontario, it captures the early Celtic tunes, the bursts of energy and inspired spontaneity of the folk …
Kelta punk a Parkban – 2024-ben érkezik a Dropkick Murphys!
A huszonnyolc éves pályafutással a háta mögött még mindig az újdonságokat kutató Dropkick Murphys csapata nem fél kísérletezni, és a műfaji korlátokat még hírből sem ismerik. Kelta gyökerekkel átszőtt punk rock zenéjük ráadásul élőben még vadabb, mint amire számítanánk. Június 11-én szinte napra pontosan 10 év után újra a Budapest Parkban állnak színpadra. A zenekar …
Fionnuala Moynihan Piano Recital on 22th September 2023
Date: 7 pm, Friday, 22nd September Venue: Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall, at the corner of Andrassy avenue and 35 Vörösmarty street Fionnuala Moynihan Piano Recital | All programs | Zeneakadémia (lisztacademy.hu) The event is free, please register at this link: Fionnuala Moynihan Piano Recital Tickets, Fri 22 Sep 2023 at 19:00 | Eventbrite
Emerald Film Club podcast – 18th October 2022
We are pleased to share this podcast which was recorded at the first Emerald Film Club event in October at KJU. We would like to thank His Excellency Ronan Gargan, the Ambassador of Ireland to Hungary for his support. The podcast features the opening speech of His Excellency Ronan Gargan, a presentation on The Banshee …
Ulysses Journey 2022
2 February 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of the publication of Ulysses by James Joyce. In light of the importance to Dublin and Ireland of this milestone in world literature, as well as its significance to Paris where it was first published, the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland (CMC) and Centre Culturel Irlandais (CCI) are presenting an international …
Bloomsday 2022, a Centenary Celebration!
Our annual Bloomsday celebrations will hold a special significance this year as 2022 marks 100 years since the publication of Ulysses. The Embassy of Ireland has supported a number of events this year as part of our #Ulysses100 celebrations with many more planned for the remainder of the year. During the week of Bloomsday (June …