Freeside KJU Kodolányi János University

Call for Papers – Freeside Europe Online Academic Journal 2023 Issue

Call for Papers

Freeside Europe Online Academic Journal 2023 Issue

Kodolányi János University

Freeside Europe Online Academic Journal is an interdisciplinary journal that was first established in 2005. Since the beginning of 2009, the journal has been given a new profile with the aim of connecting the different fields of academic studies (literature, arts, media, intercultural communication, cultural studies, history, linguistics, applied linguistics, translation, and English language teaching) by providing each issue with one particular topic. Through these specific topics we intend to create a platform for discussion that will connect the different areas of the humanities in the form of articles, reviews, interviews or even comments. We hope that by inviting and featuring various perspectives on a current theme we will be able to investigate an issue at greater length and depth.

Freeside Europe welcomes quality work that focuses on research, development, and review.


Upcoming issue

For its 2023 issue, Freeside Europe is inviting submissions on all topics related to English Studies (including but not limited to: linguistics, applied linguistics, literature, cultural studies, theater studies, visual arts, identities, and Global Englishes). The issue will also include a special thematic collection of invited papers on cultural history.

The language of the manuscripts should be English. All papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated for their originality, language perspective, and correctness, relevance of topic and presentation quality


Articles must be 5000-7000 words and should not exceed 15 pages.

Reviews must be 1,500-2,500 words (4-6 pages).


Deadline for full-text article submission: September 1, 2023.

For guidelines please refer to the website:

Publication fee: no fee

Abstracts (150-200 words), articles and any enquiries should be sent to

We look forward to your submission!


Krisztina Kodó, Habil. PhD.



